Yes, it’s true. I’ve bitten the bullet, deleted my Twitter account and Very Media’s Twitter account too. Why? Because I’ve discovered the best kept secret that social media platforms don’t want you to know.
You don’t need to be on every single social media platform to make an impact.
Gone are the days of blasting your content to the world. In 2019 and beyond, it’s all about being strategic. And let’s face it, we’re all time poor, so why spend time creating content for platforms that just aren’t achieving your business goals.
So, how do you know which social platforms to prioritise? How much time do you need to devote to each? Where should you start? Don’t panic. You can save your precious time and money simply by better understanding the online landscape and by posting content that will resonate with your chosen audience.
Here are my tips on taking back control of your social networks:
1. Focus on building your reputation first
Before you even start to think about paid advertising, you need to be building your reputation.
A great starting point is to nut out your company’s vision.
This isn’t what product or service you sell. It’s about purpose.
Why do you do what you do? Why does your business exist?
Figure that out and share it with the world.
2. Identify your goals
Work out what is important to you when it comes to being on social media. If you’re after traffic, then perhaps look at Facebook or Twitter.
If brand awareness is your thing, try Instagram and Facebook. If generating sales is your goal, then look to LinkedIn or Facebook.
This, however, is just a guide, because the platform you choose will also be impacted by the product or service your business offers.
For example, a personal training service would perfectly suit Instagram, but some of its content might not be so welcome on LinkedIn. A law firm, for example, would be perfect on LinkedIn, but might not generate as much engagement on Instagram.
3. Decide how much time you want to invest
Different platforms have different needs. Here is a brief summary of how much content you should post on each platform:
Facebook: One post every 1-3 days; never more than twice a day.
Instagram: Once or twice a day (AM & PM)
Twitter: Hourly, 10-15 times a day
LinkedIn: 2-3 times a week
The one thing to remember here is that consistency is the key. Pick your platform and then consistently promote it with your content.
4. Create the right content
In early 2018, Facebook announced a major change in the way it serves content to its users, and it’s all based around providing a good “user experience”. So, if you’re content isn’t doing this, then Facebook will stop promoting your posts in its newsfeeds. Providing a good user experience means serving up content with which people want to engage.
The best engaging content falls into three categories: education, entertainment and emotion.
So, now is the time to take back control and prioritise your social media channels.
If you need more clarity, have a look at the online course Content that Counts, created by our Managing Director Melinda Rogers.
The course covers the following topics:
How social media can boost your business
The latest trends and insights in today’s social media landscape
What exactly is ‘content’ and how to get your content seen
A breakdown of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LInkedIn, so you know exactly what is involved in each and how much time to invest
Why timing and scheduling matter
The basics of tagging and using hashtags
Why engaging content will also benefit your paid advertising
Understanding the metrics so you can measure success
Written by Melinda Rogers, Very Media’s Managing Director